Jane Knows Not To Roll Her Eyes
John had to go upstairs to retrieve something from the bedroom when he noticed that Jane had once again left the lights on after leaving. Leaving lights on and wasting electricity was one of John’s biggest annoyances, and Jane was always the culprit.
John walked into the kitchen and immediately began scolding Jane for repeatedly leaving the lights on. “How many times do we have to go over this, Jane?” he exclaimed. “Maybe I should start giving you a spanking every time you forget to turn off the lights. Then you’d remember.”
John had never punished Jane in this way before, but he had mentioned that it could become a rule in their household. Despite this warning, Jane felt confident she wouldn’t be spanked for this offense. John typically only resorted to spanking for more significant misbehavior; he wasn’t the type of person to constantly look for reasons to discipline her bottom.
As John went on, Jane couldn’t help but think, “Here we go again,” and without thinking, she rolled her eyes as John explained how expensive electricity was.
Jane couldn’t hide her frustration as she rolled her eyes, but John had seen it all. She knew he wouldn’t let this slide without consequences. Jane immediately tried to apologize to John, but she already knew that John would spank her for this because disrespect was something John was consistent with punishing Jane for; he never let these things go unpunished.
One of the things Jane cherished about John was his reliability. She could always count on him, even if it meant her bottom would be sore later.
John informed Jane that as he put on his jacket to get ready for work, they would need to address her eye-rolling issue before bedtime. Jane replied, “Yes, Sir, I understand, and I am truly sorry for my behavior.” John accepted her apology but clarified that she would still be punished. He suggested that she take some time during the day to reflect on her disrespect.
Jane despised these delayed punishments. It gave her more time to dread the consequences, making them seem much worse in her mind than they actually would be. She couldn’t help but wish that he had just taken care of it right then and there by bending her over the kitchen counter and spanking her.
Jane decided to prepare one of John’s favorite meals, hoping it would improve his mood and reduce the severity of her punishment.
Today was already going poorly, and Jane was determined to do everything she could to improve it.
Dinner was ready to be served when John got back from work. As soon as he opened the door, the aroma of roast chicken greeted him.
Jane welcomed John with a warm greeting, and he responded by hugging her and kissing her cheek before sitting down at the table, ready for Jane to serve dinner. During their meal, John and Jane discussed the events of their day.
Jane was happy that John was home, but her pending punishment was always in the back of her mind.
Once dinner was over, John mentioned he had some tasks to attend to and headed to his study to complete them while Jane tidied up the dining area and washed the dishes.
After Jane tidied up in the kitchen, she asked John if he was almost finished with what he was doing and if he’d like some coffee. John responded that he needed another hour and would love a cup.
Jane returned 5 minutes later with a cup of coffee for John and said she would watch her favorite show before getting ready.
John expressed his gratitude for the coffee and wished her an enjoyable time watching her show. As Jane was about to leave the study, John glanced up from his laptop and reminded her, “Remember your spanking before bedtime. After your shower, just put on your dressing gown and have the dark brown wooden hairbrush ready for when I come upstairs.”
Jane felt a sudden dread as there had been no mention of the spanking since John returned from work. She hoped he had forgotten about it, but she knew John would never. She thought to herself that it would likely be the highlight of his day to have her naked body bent over his knee while he paddled her bottom with the hairbrush.
How could she take pleasure in her show with the anticipation of what was to come? At the moment, she believed that the spanking she was about to receive was excessive for just rolling her eyes.
However, she understood that arguing with John would only result in a longer spanking.
After Jane’s show ended, she headed upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. She hoped John wouldn’t be waiting for her when she got out, as spanking on damp skin was always more painful for her. Fortunately, when she emerged from the shower in her dressing gown, John was still occupied downstairs and hadn’t come up yet.
Jane lay on the bed with her book, waiting for John. Though it felt like ages, it was just 15 minutes at most. The sound of John’s footsteps on the stairs filled her with dread; this part of the punishment process was always emotionally challenging for her.
When John walked into the room, he headed straight for the chair he used for over-the-knee spankings and informed Jane that it was time for her spanking. He instructed her to remove her dressing gown and position herself across his knee. Once Jane was draped adequately across his lap, he asked if she understood why she was about to be spanked. Jane responded, “Yes, sir, I am receiving this spanking because I was disrespectful and rolled my eyes at your comments about me leaving the lights on and wasting electricity.”
John told Jane that he would start by warming up her bottom with a hand spanking. Then, he would use the hairbrush, giving her six swats on each cheek. After every two swats with the brush, Jane was to count the number and say, “Thank you, Sir.”
John began with slow, deliberate hand spanks, ensuring he covered all of Jane’s cheeks. Gradually, he picked up the pace until her skin turned a rosy red. As the warmth in her bottom intensified, Jane began to moan. Eventually, John paused, resting his palm on her heated skin, content that her bottom was now prepared for the hairbrush spanking.
John picked up the hairbrush and told Jane that rolling her eyes at him was disrespectful and that he wouldn’t tolerate such behavior in their home. He explained that he took no pleasure in spanking her, but she had misbehaved and needed to learn a lesson. He then asked Jane if she understood what he had said, to which Jane responded, “Yes, Sir, I understand.”
Without hesitation, John delivered the first blow with the hairbrush on Jane’s sensitive cheek, and before she could cry out in pain, he swiftly struck her other cheek. Jane screamed and flailed her legs as the sting from the hairbrush burned through her backside. Jane then shouted. “One Sir, Thank you, sir.”
John gave it a few seconds later and delivered the next swat to each cheek. Then, he waited for Jane to count the strike and thank him. Jane was now sobbing gently as the intensity of the pain increased in her bottom. After the third and fourth swats, Jane regrets her disrespectful eye roll and pleads for John to stop, but she knows it was pointless to plead for the spanking to stop.
John informed Jane that just two more swats were left, and the slate would be wiped clean. Jane prepared herself for the last two strikes, aware that she’d be dealing with some sore bruises the next day and would be reminded of this spanking whenever she sat down for the following days. The final two hits came swiftly and with force, as John always intensified the impact of the last few spanks whenever he disciplined her.
By the end of the spanking, tears were streaming down Jane’s face as she sobbed gently. Jane just laid across John’s knee, relieved her spanking was over, and as John gently stroked her bruised cheeks, she started to feel a warm, calm, cozy feeling envelope her as all the stress that had built up in her body just melted away.
Jane never understood why, but after a spanking, she always felt so much love for John and how he loved her enough to discipline her.