Connection Spankings
Regular Connection Spankings are an excellent way to reconnect with your partner because:
For the Spankee:
The feeling of being loved, HoH is making the time to spend with you; he cares enough about your needs to make sure you are taken care of emotionally and physically.
Then there is the pleasure of the release you get when the spanking takes you emotionally over the edge your whole body just tenses and then relaxes as your stress evaporates away. A good cry does you a world of good, it leaves you shattered than when you awake the whole world seems a better place.
We must also not forget about the pleasure of the pain, the heat, and throbbing as the pain slowly subside after.
Last but not least the orgasm from an erotic spanking, he knows just where to spank you for that magic moment when your eyes roll & your whole body shudders with excitement from the burning deep within & your bottom
For the Spanker:
The excitement that comes from having power and control over the person you are about to spank. The feeling you get from having another human being love & trust you enough to submit to you and your spankings, safe in the knowledge that you will never go too far.
The pleasure from seeing a bottom bent over, knowing that is is your s to spank, seeing this bottom glow a rosy red from your spankings and feeling the heat under your hand as you gently stroke her bottom afterwards.
The stress release you get from physically spanking her.
Then the orgasm when you take her afterwards
These are just a few of the reasons why a couple should enjoy regular connection spankings.
These are completely different from punishment spankings and are not intended to modify behaviour but generate pleasure for both partners.