Don’t Be Disrespectful To Your HoH In Front of Others.
One rule many wives break is to be disrespectful to their husbands when with family and friends.
When talking to your husband or about him to friends, always do it respectfully.
Do not criticise or belittle your husband to others, if you do not have something positive or kind to say, keep quiet.
Wives who are not living a domestic discipline lifestyle are often in the habit of criticising or talking negatively about their husbands. Respect is seldom shown, and they often make jokes at their husbands’ expense. Do not be one of these wives.
Instead, talk positively about your husband and point out all his good points, show that you are proud of all that he has achieved.
When you want to talk, wait until he has finished speaking, do not finish his sentences for him.
Wives who do not respect their husbands should expect a strict lesson in respect when they get home.